This Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex map covers the South half of the complex from the Seeley/Swan valley
on the West to the Rocky Mountain Front and Augusta on the East. Cairn Cartography took great pains to make this the most accurate map ever made of 'The Bob'.
During the summer and fall of 2010, they traveled over 675 miles of trail to make the trail locations and mileages as accurate as possible, verifying every step with GPS. We hope you'll find
these additions useful on your next trip into the Bob.
Bob Marshall Complex Recreational Map (South) Covers:
- South half of The Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex
- Entire Scapegoat Wilderness
- Seeley Lake area (east of highway 200)
- Rocky Mountain Front (near Augusta)
- Waterproof, tear-resistant plastic
- Topographic / shaded relief
- Forested and non-forested areas
- GPS verified trail locations and mileages
- River mileages for South Fork Flathead River
- UTM and Lat/Long grids
- 1:80,000 scale
- Contour interval: 100 feet